Thursday, September 1, 2011

Don't Build a House on the Seashore When the Tide is Low

As I was watching the evening news, there was a report I saw where there were squatters (now called informal settlers in our politically correct "woke" world) being forced to move out of their homes. Fortunately there was no violence, as the people cooperated and even broke down the houses themselves. They've been staying there for so long, they've actually thought it's theirs. And what a deplorable situation! They, together with their children and grandchildren, are now homeless.

But come to think of it, aren't we all in the same predicament? Don't we all have that collective angst that one day all of what we worked hard for will all be taken away? Think about it.

Now let me quote from a booklet I read entitled Nervous Breakdown.
In the Bible, there is a good point about not building a house on the seashore at low tide. Eventually the tide will come in, so only a fool will build a house on the sand when the tide is low..... People who are living materialistic lifestyles and who are taking shelter in the temporary instead of the eternal should be warned, "....Right now, you may be temporarily getting away from your problems through different methods. You may be able to temporarily forget the insecure position you are really in. But one day, you will realize how insecure you really are, that you have no shelter. And when that day comes, remember this: that you have real shelter. It is not hopeless. When walls of your house come crumbling down, then remember that God loves you. His love for you is unconditional and that actually He is the only shelter. There is no other shelter but God."

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